In spite of the fact that we are almost more than 50 years into decimalisation the reference to ‘miles’ still persist today along the Dorob National Park. This park was proclaimed to create a balance between servicing the tourism market and conserving the environment. Motorised vehicles have now been restricted to protect the more delicate part of the park such as river beds and the vast Namib Plains.

Off special interest closer to the coast you would find the unique phenomenon of symbiosis of a fungus and an alga (Lichens) living on the coastal fog and this forms curious patterns on rocks throughout the area. The endangered Damara tern is indigenous to Namibia and breeds in the dunes and gravel plains. Incorporated in the Dorob park is the Walvis Bay Lagoon area and in winter as many as 70 000 to 100 000 birds representing some 40 to 50 species call this area home.

The Welwitchia Mirabilus plant contributes also to the uniqueness and very interesting destinations and features of this area